“There Is Probably No Subject More Important Than The Study of Food”
-George Washington Carver-
Cook-ery : the art or practice of cooking
We are inspired by the textures, flavors, heritage and narrative of the African diaspora within the United States and as such employ strong elements of Pecan and mixed hardwood smoke, heightened spice profiles, traditional preservation methods and a nose to tail, root to stem approach utilizing products from our local food system.
Cul-ture : the characteristic features of everyday existence shared by people in a place or time
We strive to curate an inclusive culinary driven environment that fosters creativity, equity, collaboration, and education within our community via the curation of food, beverage, collaboration and hospitality.
Com-mu-ni-ty : a unified body of individuals
Distant Relatives has and continues to be a project that supports the agricultural, artisan and underserved communities by continued partnerships with local artisans, farmers and likeminded organizations.